How To: Make a Commercial Move

So you need to move your office.

Moving is stressful in any situation, but it can be particularly bad when you have to move your office. When you’re moving with a family, you at least have the comfort of knowing these people probably want to keep living with you.

When moving to a new office, all sorts of questions come up. How is this going to impact people’s’ commutes? Who’s going to be in charge of the move? Are you guys going to keep working during the move?


Notify Employees

The first step to any commercial move is to let your employees know. They are going to be the most important element of the moving process, after all.

Rather than coordinating the whole thing yourself, you’re going to want to get help from one or two of your employees. You’ll probably know which ones to choose: people whom you can depend on, who hopefully don’t already have too much on their plates.

You should do this at least three months in advance.


Create a Timeline

When you let your employees know that they need to move, you can then devise a timeline for the move — figure out a time of year when business is a little slow, maybe. Determine when your lease is over, when you can get into a new office space, and so on.


Find the Right Moving Company

Search around, ask some friends. Then, if you’re in Tucson, AZ, find out that Tucson Moving Service is the best commercial mover in the city.


Determine What Needs to Be Moved

The truth is, junk accumulates in any space, and offices are no exception. You probably don’t need every piece of furniture you have. Figure out what you need, then get rid of the rest.


Change the Information On Your Website and Business Cards

A week or two before the move, you’re going to want to update your website and business card to reflect the new address. For obvious reasons, you don’t want to do this too soon. But there is so much going on during the final week of moving, so you don’t want to leave it for the last minute, either.


Need Help With Your Commercial Tucson, AZ Move?

If you’re looking for help with your commercial Tucson, AZ Move, Tucson Moving Service is a great choice. Call us now at 520-468-8956.

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