packing moving boxes.

How To Handle The First Week After A Move

It can take weeks, months or even years to prepare for a move. You have to find a new apartment or home, get approved and figure out the logistical side of things. Depending on the scope of your move, you may even be looking at getting yourself ready for a new job or school.

Once you settle into your new home, you’ll likely feel like celebrating. You’ve conquered some of the hardest parts of a move, like packing your things and transporting them without anything getting damaged. Still, you have to unpack and organize your new home. Here’s some advice to make that transition a bit easier.

Pack Smartly

Make sure you pack an overnight box as you prepare to leave your old home. Here are just a few things you’ll want to bring.

  • Toilet paper
  • Toiletries like toothpaste, shampoo, and soap
  • Clothing
  • Phone and computer chargers

You’ll already be tired, so save yourself some stress and make sure you have everything you’ll need for those first few days in one place. It’s also smart to purchase disposable cups and plates, as you won’t have your plates and silverware until you unpack.

Make An Unpacking Plan

What will you unpack first? If you get friends or professionals to help you unload and organize your things, you’ll have an easier time. Even if you’re doing it alone, you won’t have much trouble as long as you strategize. Which room of the house needs to be organized immediately? Focus on that first.

Take Time To Relax

Don’t forget to take breaks. During the first week, you’ll likely be tired and operating at a higher level of stress than usual. It can be tempting to unpack everything in one go, but it’s not always realistic. Make sure you set a realistic timeline for settling in. If you’re making new changes like furniture and paint, try to space those out as well.

If you’re in Tucson or the surrounding area, reach out to our team at Tucson Moving Service at 520-468-8956 or click here to contact us. We have professionals ready to help you move, whether it’s down the road or across the country.

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