4 Decluttering Tips for Home Moving

When packing for a move, you may find that you’ve accumulated too much stuff. If this is the case, you should consider getting rid of unwanted clutter.

There’s no better time to rid yourself of unnecessary stuff than right before you move. You have to go through everything while packing, anyway. Take advantage of the situation. You’ll have less junk to worry about, and you won’t waste money by moving it!

Perhaps past attempts at organizing didn’t go so well. Say goodbye to the mess. It dies today with our tips to crack down on the clutter.

Split Everything into Categories

So, your past organizing endeavors didn’t go according to plan. Don’t give up! It’s a big job. Splitting the work into manageable chunks goes a long way towards successful.

You have to split everything into categories. Move things around and create groups of similar items. Clothes, DVDs, etc.

For best results, keep things positive. Don’t focus on what you’re getting rid of. Instead, choose what to keep.

Handle Everything

Once you’ve sorted everything into categories, touch everything. Seriously, literally touch them with your hands.

Take each item out of its place. It’s harder to just look at something and decide how you feel about it. Over time, items become part of the surrounding. By taking an item out of its proper place, you can evaluate the item objectively.

Pull all the clothes from your closet and physically hold them. Select which pieces get the privilege of sticking around. Remember, you’re deciding what to keep, not what to toss.

Surround yourself with that which makes you happy.

Decide What to Keep

When you’re holding each item, ask yourself: does the item still bring you joy?

They say that you shouldn’t take joy from objects. But some items do bring you joy: artwork, souvenirs, or childhood mementos. Even a collection of vintage Batman memorabilia.

Some people take pleasure from surrounding themselves with stacks of books, even if they know that they’ll never have a chance to read them all. Are you one of those people? If not, consider paring down your collection.

This doesn’t apply to “utilitarian” items. Household must-haves like fire extinguishers aren’t likely to bring you joy. But they will bring peace of mind.

Ask the Experts

You’ve decluttered, now let us do our part. Tucson Moving Service wants to help you move with as little stress as possible. Get a free quote on your next move when you call Tucson Moving Service today! For more information on our packing and moving services, contact us at (520) 468-8956.

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