#1 Tip for Moving Heavy Items

Tucson Movers

The Worst Thing About Moving

Moving can be rough for all sorts of reasons. You have to leave your home, you have to make sure you don’t forget anything, and you have to deal with the hassle of changing your address for all sorts of entities (banks, credit cards, etc).

But those aren’t the biggest problems with moving.

The biggest problem with moving, if you haven’t hired a professional moving company, is dealing with the heavy items.

Heavy Lifting is a Hassle

Let’s be honest here. The short term problem with lifting heavy items is pretty apparent.

Because they are heavy, certain items are a real hassle to move. They take a lot of time and energy.

And those are for the items you can move. There are plenty of items out there that are just too heavy for you to move if you do not have any help.

The long-term ramifications of heavy moving can be worse. You can strain a muscle, which would lead to both discomfort and long-term health ramifications!

For these reasons, we are giving you the big tip that will help you when you’re attempting to move heavy objects.

The Big Tip: You Can Break Some Items Into Several Different Pieces

One of the best ways to carry heavy objects is to make them less heavy. This means breaking them into multiple pieces.

If there is a cabinet you do not like or a tub you are trying to get rid of, you can break the object with an axe or sledgehammer. The pieces are then easier to dispose of.

You can also do this with some objects that you reassemble. The most obvious example of this is probably your dresser. You can take out the shelves before you move it.

If you are feeling particularly inventive, you might be able to do the same thing with your sofa. You can saw it in half and then put it back together on the other side, using little more than some screws and loose wood.

The sofa looks just the same!

Don’t Want to Move Heavy Items By Yourself? Call Us!

Of course, you might not want to go through all the hassle of lifting heavy objects. If you’re looking to make things a little easier, give Tucson Moving Service a call at 520-468-8956.

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