declutter your home.

How To Declutter Before A Move

Experts recommend getting rid of old stuff around your home regularly, but let’s be honest –– it’s hard for most of us to keep up with a regular schedule to declutter our homes. Moving is a great opportunity to get rid of things you aren’t using anymore. Out with the old, in with the new!

You’ll get stressed out if you try to tackle it all at once, but decluttering before a move is possible, and it’ll make your move even smoother –– there will be less stuff to bring along with you.

Commit To Tossing Anything You Haven’t Used

We can get emotionally attached to our belongings pretty quickly, even if it’s stuff we don’t need anymore. If you haven’t used an item in several months or worn a piece of clothing in a while, consider getting rid of it. Remember, you can’t declutter unless you’re willing to get rid of things you don’t need anymore.

Tackle It Room By Room

Unless you have a team of friends and family members willing to help, you won’t be able to get all of your decluttering done in one sitting. Create a schedule. For example, you can tackle your closet one day and your kitchen the next. There’s no reason to rush it as long as you start with ample time!

Decide What You’ll Do With Your Old Stuff

If you don’t have any loved ones in need, donate your things to a worthy charity! Not only will it likely be tax-deductible, but you’ll also have an opportunity to help someone who will actually use the things you’ve been neglecting.

Once you’ve cleaned your home and gotten rid of clutter, it’s time to move! Whether you’re leaving Pima County or just arriving in southern Arizona, Tucson Moving Service is here for you. Reach out to our skilled team of professionals at 520-468-8956, or contact us here.

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